As God is my judge, Jesus Christ is my redeemer.
Partnering with your family and church community in saying thank you.

Welcome to Daniel Grace Funerals
Sadly, you have most likely found your way to our site as you are in the need to plan a funeral for someone very near and dear to you. If that is the case, may I extend my condolences to you and your family.
It is indeed a very difficult time as you are trying to deal with your loss and at the same time being expected to organize a funeral service whilst not been in the best place either emotionally or financially.
Daniel Grace Funerals are here for you, to sit down and listen carefully, to share a good conversation, and then unbiasedly help you build a service that reflects you and your family’s need to say goodbye and lay to rest your loved one.
I hope you find my website helpful. It's intention is to separate every aspect of a funeral and explain the process, terminology, options and a breakdown of all the costs involved.
Yours Sincerely,
Bradley SInclair.
When someone dies, what needs to happen, what do we do?
When someone dies in New South Wales the deceased may not be removed from the premises where the death has occurred without the deceased’s last attending medical doctor issuing a Medical Certificate Cause of Death (MCCD). The MCCD is not the death certificate which is issued New South Wales Government Birth, Deaths & Marriages.
Typically, most deaths occur in a controlled environment such as a public or private hospital, a aged care facility or under supervised palliative care in a private home. In these instances, the main doctor supervising the medical care of the deceased will in most instances issue the MCCD.
If a death occurs that is unexpected, or the deceased’s usual medical doctor is not willing to issue a MCCD, then the police, and in turn the NSW Coroner takes control of the situation to determine the cause of death. It is only when the coroner is satisfied that they have performed all relevant procedures necessary to determine a cause of death that the deceased is released into the care of the funeral direct authorised in writing by the family to carry out the funeral arrangements.
Therefore, it is advised that no dates etc… are set in place for a funeral service until your funeral director advises your family that all necessary documents have been obtained from all the appropriate authorities for a funeral service to be arranged.
Where do we start?
Having to plan a funeral is a daunting task. If you were to plan a wedding you would have the luxury of choosing a date somewhere many months away. Time to chose what you are looking for and shop around for both a product and check out prices etc... With a funeral, there always feels like there is an urgency to just get it done. And just to get it "done", means you need to chose a funeral director.
There are many funeral directors supplying the Sydney Funeral market. And in saying that there is a funeral director out there that will meet your particular needs and someone you can work with and trust.
Daniel Grace Funerals is about earning the trust to impartially look after your family's funeral needs. It is with this trust that I will guide you in being able to select and chose all aspects of the funeral arrangement and deliver the funeral you have envisaged whilst being conscious of your means. It is trust that means being invited into someone's home to organise a funeral and be treated like a family member.

Christian Owned Funeral Home
A Christian owned funeral business for Christians
Behind the business
Bradley Sinclair